Monday, January 19, 2015

Round two, Ding Ding

Oh my goodness, life has been crazy.  How have you all been? 
Last week I had to finish up my Classic Christmas class, and started Math and Marriage and Family classes.  It was a busy week.   On top of the classes I started the visits to the orphanage every other week, PWOC started back up (Protestant Women of the Church), and we had our first on site Shalom visit.  Yesterday we also went to the Morning Calm Garden, which was exciting!  It was cold and snowing, it wasn't that wind blowing snowing falling everything is wet and nasty snow.  Well once you were in it for a couple hours it got everything wet, but it was that calm peaceful big flakes type of snow.  Seeing my daughter look up in awe of all the snow falling down around her face made time stand in still.  It was the most memorable moment for me.  She was all smiles and loved the snow more than the million of lights.  She kept saying, "Mommy it's snowing!"  Her eyes on the sky almost the whole time.
It has been a great week!  Now as Monday has approached us again, it is time to start over.  Today we actually have a photo shoot taking place in about an hour for a small family of four.  My actual PWOC class starts this week, and school will continue.  7 assignments, including a quiz and paper will be due by Sunday night.

Now for a baby update.  As most of you know by now round 1 of baby medicines have not worked.  The first medication makes me sleepy and I can become a pretty boring person, the second medication doesn't always agree with my but is the most important part of the process.  After 14 days of meds and ovulation testing we realized we would be forced to start another round in a couple weeks.  Sure enough the pregnancy test was negative.  However, if I am given the chance to mother a second child I know that it will not happen in my time.  Sound round 2 here we go!  I have already started, what I like to call, the sleepy medicines, and will be starting the ovulation meds in the next couple of days.  The prenatal vitamins are always a nice touch as it helps my hair to grow nice and thick!

Just wanted to shoot a quick update every one's way and I hope and pray you all have a splendid week.... or two.... or possibly three since I am not very good at finding the time to sit down and write.  I remember when I started this, it was to share our journey of our travels in another Country, and since we have been here I have noticed after a few months our travels slowed down and because of that so did my updates.  I am hoping that 2015 will bring lots of travel, news, and excitement, so that I will have lots to write about!

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